

38  Now, I want you to watch closely now. We speaking of Job awhile ago, Job used this same preparation. The oldest Book in the Bible, even before Genesis was written, Job was written. And Job was a righteous man, a man who feared God. And troubles came to him. But I want you to notice just before the troubles come, Job made preparation for this trouble.

Listen, friend, sinner friend, there's trouble right ahead of you tonight. And that's the valleys of the shadows of death. You better make preparations for the only Friend Who can walk with you through that. Right, make preparations for it.

Job had a bunch of daughters and sons. And when he knew that they were out… like birds… People raise up children today. I feel sorry for fathers and mothers today, being a parent myself, and knowing one reason; I'm trying to get my children away from our city; we don't have any Christian schools there. And I want to get them somewhere where they'll be brought up in school, in a real fundamental school where they'll learn to love the Lord. The teaching that I can give them around home, yet they get out with that worldly crowd; the devil is a shrewd fellow, and he pushes that into them. If you keep them under the Spirit until they get old enough to receive the Holy Ghost and know what it's all about, then God will take care of the rest of it. But first they got them little adolescent days.

39  Now, every person thinks of their children. While they're under your—your wings you can watch them. But once out from under the wings, then the devil's got every little old Oscar he can out there to associate with your children that's infidelic, and mean, and devilish, and everything else. God help us. This juvenile delinquency here in New York, Chicago, and these big cities, what the papers is writing up, how they kill one another and everything… Little children, little boys and girls killing and murder, and shooting, and so forth like that. If those poor little kiddies only realized that that's the devil, sure.

40  What brought on juvenile delinquency was parent delinquency, the parent failing to take care of the children. You remember a few years ago, when my boy was born; that has been about, I think he's about nineteen now. I remember the doctor told my wife, said, "Just let that kid squall." Said, "It ain't going to hurt him. And if grandma comes along to pick him up," said, "take her—keep her hands off of him." Said, "He ought to be crib broke at six months old."

Now, you know better than that. Sounds like a talking of a witch doctor instead of a real doctor. And then you know what it hatched out? It hatched out a bunch of neurotics and a bunch of gangsters. Listen. God gave you that baby to love. I don't care how bad you spoil it; love it anyhow. That's right. Love it. If you don't love it now, it'll grow up in a cold home and indifferent, and it'll seek love somewhere, or something. It'll make an out-light for somewhere. Mother, take that baby and give it fellowship and love now. Make it a part of you, which it is, and act like it, and hug it, and kiss it, and—and love it. Don't be too cold with the things of the world. God gave you that as a treasure; raise it right. Amen.

Notice, that's what's the matter; we got away from the things of God. You get away from nature, and then you're out of the will of God.

41  Now, I want you to notice then, Job, thinking of his children, he said, "Now, peradventure, when they go out, they might sin." So he offered the only preparation that he knowed about was a burnt sacrifice, the shedding of blood. And he shed the blood of a lamb for his children, making preparation, if they did sin. You see it? Job was mindful of his children to make a preparation for their sin.

And mother and father, if we would quit spending money on our children learning tap dancing, and things like that, and some kind of "how to be a actor," and put more time a pleading the Blood of Jesus up over them, and showing them love and fellowship, we'd get along better. The child would too. Teach your child.

42  I believe if every parent would take their child and… The first, the parent come back to God, and take the beer out of the icebox, and take the cards off the table. "Oh," you say, "it's innocent." You see what it hatches out. Brother, I wouldn't let a card light on my ground. No, sir. It's the devil's thing. Keep them away from it. You say, "You're old fashion, Brother Branham." Well, it was an old fashion Gospel saved me. Amen. It's old fashion salvation that makes me happy. It was old fashion Holy Ghost that healed me. It's the same thing that's going to take us home to glory, sure. Teach your child.

    55-1009 - The Way To Have Fellowship